10 Important Star Trek Details That Are Almost Never Mentioned

5. Borg Assimilation Of Starfleet Secrets

Star Trek United Earth

As most fans know, the Borg can never invent or learn, they only evolve by stealing information and technology from other cultures through assimilation. When someone becomes a Borg drone, their entire mind and all their memories get shared with the Collective.

It should come as no surprise then that, after all of the Starfleet officers and starships assimilated by the Borg, the Collective has access to a lot of Starfleet's greatest secrets.

For example, the Borg assimilated Captain Picard in the Next Generation episode The Best Of Both Worlds. This means that they would know all of his security codes, every top secret mission he was ever part of, and basically every secret shared with Starfleet Captains (such as the Federation's policy on Omega Molecules). In the Star Trek: Picard episode Penance, we learned that the Borg (or atleast the Borg from the altered timeline) are aware of Q. It's not confirmed, but they could have learned about the Continuum from Picard, as he was assimilated long after first encountering Q.

If they assimilated the right people, the Borg may even know about Discovery's spore drive, secret missions of Section 31, or other highly classified information.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.