10 Incredibly Tough Decisions Anime Characters Have Had To Make

1. Naruto - Itachi Slaughtering The Uchiha Clan

Even at the young age of seven, Itachi pondered on the philosophy of ninja villages, the meaning of Hokage, and feels a strong desire to maintain peace. Yet, his love of the Hidden Leaf, his Will of Fire is in direct contradiction with his status as a member of the Uchiha Clan; despite being one of the two founders of the Hidden Leaf Village, they have been despised and oppressed by the Leaf's administration for decades.

They are forced to the outskirts of the village, monitored constantly, and given no political voice - they have no means to legitimately stop such treatment. Naturally, many began calling for a rebellion; and with the death of Itachi's best friend and mentor, the one person who could have stopped the coup, there were no other options left.

Itachi could sit back, watch his own family and beloved village tear each other apart, only to be destroyed by the other villages. Or he could take it upon himself and save both his village and brother, at the cost of his own clan.

With "Madara Uchiha"'s help, he slaughters almost everyone he ever cared for. Itachi lives a miserable existence after this event, becoming despised as a kin-slayer; he is a traitor living with the guilt and the anguish that arises from the conflict between his pacifist nature and his heinous actions.

In the face of such determination and principles, his parents willingly surrender and comfort him before he kills them. They understand that Itachi has made the hardest decision of his life and is bringing such pain upon himself - all because he believes it is the best thing he could do.

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Anime, manga, light novel, fantasy book enthusiast. Otherwise a pretty boring guy.