10 Insane Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Theories

6. EVERY Doctor Defeats The Toymaker

Doctor Who 60th anniversary theories
BBC Studios

It’s been posited that the 60th will be a different type of anniversary story, with none of the usual multi-Doctor shenanigans. Nowhere is this better encapsulated than in the choice to include David Tennant, not as the Tenth Doctor, but as an entirely new incarnation.

Multi-Doctors stories are notoriously a logistical nightmare. You have to get the actors to commit, come up with a script that will do them all justice, and contrive explanations for why their Doctors don’t look as young as they should do.

Nevertheless, fans love seeing their favourite Doctors team up for a big old shindig – and no-one’s a bigger Doctor Who fan than Russell T Davies.

Just imagine: an Avengers Endgame style team-up, with previous incarnations coming together to help the Fourteenth Doctor defeat the Toymaker. What would be cooler? If the Toymaker is responsible for bringing back Ten's face, then maybe this inadvertently allows other faces to return too.

It would be weird if the 60th anniversary wasn't multi-Doctor in some way. Getting everyone back is probably a pipe dream though – but never say never!

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!