10 Insane Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Theories

2. Wild Blue Yonder Is A Bottle Episode

Doctor Who 60th anniversary theories
BBC Studios

Special two, Wild Blue Yonder, is shrouded in mystery, and has been since the beginning.

We know that it contains the words Southampton, vegetable, and Flux. We also know that it has another, five-word title which sums up the episode, but would "give the game away." And to top it all off, the first footage released from the episode was covered with ‘REDACTED’ text and glitch effects.

Russell T Davies is clearly holding something back, but what?

Wild Blue Yonder is theorised to be a ‘bottle episode’ – a character piece between the Doctor and Donna which lacks the scale of the other specials, but makes up for it in other ways.

The theory suggests that the Doctor and Donna will be trapped by the Toymaker, and forced to relieve painful memories in order to escape (think The Final Problem, Sherlock fans). Hence why the Doctor can be seen shouting “Why does it have to be this!?” in the latest trailer.

If true, this would be a perfect way to incorporate past Doctors and companions, with reenactments of the show’s most distressing moments (companion farewells, previous regenerations, etc.).

Alternatively, perhaps Wild Blue Yonder is actually just a love letter to the US Air Force. Anything could happen at this point!

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