10 Insane Rules TV Shows Weren’t Allowed To Break

8. Referencing The Movie Was Forbidden - Hannibal

Gotham Joker
Sony Pictures Television

The short-lived but much beloved Hannibal prequel series worked due to its captivating lead performances, unique visual style and brutal but well-crafted storytelling. Its nature as a prequel meant that the series was not going to touch key elements of The Silence of the Lambs, at least not in its earlier episodes.

This was further compounded by various rights wrangles surrounding the ownership of the film and the book that it is based on. This meant any character who originated in the above-mentioned story could not appear in the show as well and the only characters available to the showrunner and writers were from relatively lesser known books such as the Red Dragon.

Therefore, its overall plot had to be structured around the book and adapt a rather convoluted timeline (at least for those who have read the books). Despite this, the show worked on its merits, and was able to deliver a captivating tale in its brief time on-air.

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