10 Insane Things That Must Happen In Game Of Thrones

3. Baelish Puts A Candidate On The Iron Throne

The late-Tywin Lannister now looks like a shadow when compared to the ultimate puppet-master, Lord Baelish. The head of the Lannisters was a master dictator, and pulled all of the strings within his own family, but Baelish is basically shaping the entire continent. He started off taking the East through deception in the Eyrie, now he's got a major hand in giving the North to Roose Bolton, while Casterly Rock looks shaken in the West, and Mace Tyrell's mind would crumble under Baelish's spell. Littlefinger is holding a lot of keys, and while his endgame isn't certain, it's obviously Iron Throne-related, although Baelish doesn't seem like the type to sit on the throne and rule. He is the ultimate second-in-command manipulator, so would he try to force through a winning party to secure a high position, without painting a target on himself? Whatever happens, Baelish is without a doubt one of the most fascinating characters in the show.

What Culture contributor. NCTJ accredited Sports Journalist. Regret-filled Sunderland AFC season ticket holder. Optimism-filled NFL fan. Lover of all things Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead & more.