10 Insane TV Finales NOBODY Saw Coming

9. Claire Kills Stamper - House Of Cards

Twin Peaks The Return

Unlike The Sopranos' elliptical ending, critical opinion probably isn't ever going to turn around on House of Cards' shocking-yet-inane damp squib of a finale.

Granted, the entire final season was firmly derailed by the firing of star Kevin Spacey following sexual misconduct allegations, resulting in the show's writers hastily reworking the season to accommodate his sudden absence. But all the same, this was the best they could come up with?

The final season focuses on Frank Underwood's (Spacey) mysterious death and his wife Claire's (Robin Wright) early days as President of the United States, leading to a flabbergasting, certifiably bats**t final episode.

The series finale reveals that Frank was poisoned by his aide Doug Stamper (Michael Kelly), who in a twisted bout of logic fans are still trying to make sense of years later, did so to prevent him from further undermining his own legacy. Right...

That's not all, though - after revealing this to Claire in the series' final scene, Doug threatens her, leading to Claire stabbing him and then suffocating him to death. The End.

In some respects it was appropriate that House of Cards, a once-brilliant prestige gemstone for Netflix which had become increasingly silly with each passing season, saved the most absurd moments for last.

But unlike The Sopranos, this is one nutty ending that forever tainted the entire series' reputation, enough that it's not talked about so much these days.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.