10 Insane TV Theories You Won't Believe

2. The Walking Dead Is Toy Story 3

Toy Story The Walking Dead

Wait, what? That is the correct response, yes. But please, abandon your cynicism for just a moment. Think back to the pure, unabashed and unironic joy you had whilst watching Pixar's Toy Story series, even when you thought that it was going to end with the loveable stars being melted in an industrial furnace. Open your mind to talking action figures, and soon you'll be buying into the theory that the third film in the franchise has an almost identical plot to The Walking Dead.

Seriously, if you really wanna spoil the show for yourself, you need only look to the third act of the breakout from Lotso's totalitarian daycare regime. Or do we mean The Governor€™s deceptive jail paradise...? We've said too much! Originating on Reddit, that wretched hive of scum and villainy, there are a lot of eerie parallels between the two stories which couldn't look more dissimilar. Both star a sheriff leading a ragtag group of misfits, his best friend is a "hyper-macho officer of the law" (Shane and Buzz, respectively) who he wrestles with under a truck and may or may not kill to the group's consternation, they wind up in a seemingly idyllic gated community that's run by a guy with a Southern accent and a penchant for giving speeches on trucks, but all is not as it seems...

It sounds crazy, we admit, but when you look at all the evidence laid out like that? It actually makes a lot of sense! Especially considering the fate of old One-Eye Bart...


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/