10 Insane Ways TV Shows Trolled Fans

2. Making Prison Outfits Intentionally Uncomfortable For Cosplayers - Andor

Andor Prison

There's surely no fanbase in the world that loves cosplaying more than Star Wars, and so with each new piece of media that releases - whether movie or TV show - fans can't wait to recreate their favourite costumes at home.

As such, when Andor was released last year, it was just a matter of time before fans started making their own versions of the distinctive white-orange prison uniforms worn by Cassian (Diego Luna) and company on Narkina 5.

Hilariously and somewhat cruelly, though, Andor costume designer Michael Wilkinson revealed at the Star Wars Celebration this past April that the costumes were intentionally designed to both look and feel uncomfortable.

This was not only to help the cast remain in-character while playing prisoners, but apparently also to get one over on cosplayers.

Given Star Wars cosplayers' fastidious commitment to living their roles, though, they've likely taken it in their stride - especially considering the number of fans who did nevertheless cosplay as Narkina 5 prisoners at Star Wars Celebration.

Knowing how hot those conventions get, though, one suspects Wilkinson was left cackling at the thought of all those sweaty, itchy fans parading around in ill-fitting, visually garish prisoner uniforms.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.