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7. Theoretical Physics Anthropic Principle And String Theory

There have been many episodes in which Sheldon has spoken about the anthropic principle and string theory. Most of Sheldon's research is actually centered around the string theory. He has explained both in layman's terms and certain plots have quite often been thematically linked to these concepts. But what exactly do these theories entail? The anthropic principle states that the very laws of nature are consistent with what is necessary to maintain life. The theory states that this is specifically related to observation as the universe maintains such parameters in order to provide life that can observe it. Kind of a headscratcher, eh? And how does Sheldon's studies of string theory relate? String theory states that there is the possibility of many universes called 'vacua.' The setting for all of these is known as the 'multiverse.' It's stated that only those universes that allow life to exist are to be observed while those whose conditions are not appropriate for life go unobserved. This is an extremely difficult topic to discuss in terms that one outside of a physics education would understand. Both run much deeper and are tied together in many ways, and we encourage readers to do further studies. Whether you believe in such theories or not it can't be denied that the concepts are quite interesting from any perspective. We also can't deny that - even for a theory - a lot of it seems to ring true.