10 Lessons About Mental Health From Bojack Horseman And Steven Universe

7. Change Is More Important Than A "Happy Ending"

Steven Universe Bojack Horseman
Cartoon Network

Bojack Horseman's season finale was far from the happy ending people expect in other shows, especially not for Bojack. He was imprisoned, hated, his only family cutting ties for good and his friends becoming more distant.

But it was a good place for the show to end, because it showed that their lives did not. Life would go on - for Bojack, for Diane, Princess Carolyn, Todd, everyone. Things had changed drastically from season one, and would continue to change. Bojack would continue to live and, perhaps, grow, and instead of dying and leaving some misguided sense of tragedy to his largely tragic life, he has the opportunity to change, whether it be for good, for bad, or for good again.

Change is the very thesis of the Steven Universe Movie, where the obsession with a happy ending leaves him ill equipped to handle change as it comes. It's even the title of a song.

The idea that life goes on is an important one to leave audiences, and it's something both the Bojack and Steven Universe finales, with warts and insecurities and all, provides - with a sprinkling of optimism for the future to leave its audience by.


Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada || motziedapul.com