10 Long TV Running Gags You Never Even Noticed

9. Rick Never Wears A Seatbelt - Rick & Morty

Peaky Blinders Cillian Murphy Tommy
Adult Swim

Rick and Morty is another show that rewards those who pay close attention, though here's a running gag so slight and unassuming you might've spaced on it entirely - Rick never wears a seatbelt.

Aside from the brief appearances of "Detox Rick" and Pickle Rick, Rick doesn't wear a seatbelt throughout the show - a nod towards his cavalier attitude towards his own safety, to be kind, and generally suicidal levels of despondence.

Rick's refusal to wear a seatbelt isn't ever directly brought up in the show itself but is nevertheless a neat morsel of character shading which confirms the kind of place he's in.

Only in his alternate healthier states is Rick every shown wearing a seatbelt. Now that is character development.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.