10 Magical Game Of Thrones Details Explained With Science

8. Valyrian Steel


Valyrian Steel, the mysterious metal whose secret formula has been lost to the sands of time, is pretty much a direct reference to the real-world Damascus steel.

The steel was named after the Syrian capital of the same name, and was renowned for its remarkable strength and ability to retain an incredibly sharp edge. Although many claim to have rediscovered the production methods of Damascus steel over the years, the true methods are still considered to be lost and no one has yet been able to properly reproduce it.

Damascus steel also features a distinctive rippled pattern on the blade like flowing water - doesn't this all sound very familiar?

Analysis of Damascus steel reveals a complex structure of nanotubes and nanowires, giving it its strength and flexibility. Some think that this is due to woody biomass contamination in the metal ingots that burnt away during the smelting process - maybe someone should tell blacksmiths of Qohor.


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