10 Milestone Star Trek Novels

3. Articles Of The Federation - Keith R.A. Decandido (2005)

Articles Of The Federation Considering how much of the Star Trek universe had been discovered and how many leaders of alien races had been encountered, it is perhaps surprising how long it took to explore the innermost workings of the Palais de la Concorde; only three Presidents of the United Federation of Planets were seen on-screen, only one of whom was mentioned by name. And this is despite the number of visits made by the Ferengi Grand Nagus to Deep Space Nine, and that Gowron, Chancellor of the Klingon High Council, was a recurring character throughout his eight years in office. Another thing to consider is how long it took for a Star Trek novel to be published that wasn't part of a specific series, but instead was a true standalone novel (even the Eugenics Wars was published under the banner of "Star Trek" as in "Star Trek: The Original Series"). These are two omissions rectified by Articles Of The Federation, less sci-fi and more political thriller it is a true standalone novel that focuses on UFP President Nanietta Bacco's first year in office. Although she was first introduced in A Time For War, A Time For Peace, it is here in her second appearance that her character comes to the fore as she is forced to deal with Reman asylum seekers, a disasterous first contact, and the truth behind her predecessors resignation. The standalone novel isn't something that has been oft-repeated in the years since, but Articles Of The Federation did make a number of changes in other ways. By helping to found the continuing and interconnected narrative that covers all 24th century Star Trek, it paved the way for umbrella titles such as Star Trek: Typhon Pact in which there is little to no distinction between the various traditional series. It's biggest narrative contribution however has to be the UFP President's elevation to a major player in the books' story-lines as much as the galactic stage, and Bacco alone would make eighteen appearances during her time in office.
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