10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About The '90s X-Men Cartoon

2. The Animators Had To Be Sneaky To Save Time And Money

X-Men Animated Ending Thumbnail

Making a single episode of a cartoon in the 1990s took about ten months. To ensure an entire season would be ready for its deadline, animators had to work on most of the episodes simultaneously. Even when the crew members are working around the clock, sometimes its impossible to reach a deadline... unless you cut corners.

The animators said that one of the hardest things to draw was the X-Men (which was composed of about ten characters) to all run in the same direction. With all of their colourful costumes, drawing them moving from one location to another was a nightmare.

To save time, the lead writer would insert a line of dialogue of Cyclops saying something like, "X-Men! To the Blackbird!" The scene would then transition to the team arriving at their destination with Cyclops saying, "We're here." The writer said this was only done so the animators didn't have to slog for weeks drawing the running animations for each character.


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