10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Young Justice

5. The Loose Connection To Justice League: Doom

Young Justice Toy Sales
Warner Bros.

One of the things that made Young Justice so enjoyable was the fact that, even though the Justice League members were supporting characters, they were regular enough to be leaned on whenever the show needed to use one or more members of the team for story purposes. And thus, we got multiple chances to see another fully-fledged Justice League in action. However, that's not the only place we've seen this iteration of the League in action.

DC Universe Animated Original Movie Justice League: Doom was released in 2012 and it features a version of the iconic DC superhero team virtually identical to the one seen in Young Justice.

The reason for that was simply down to the fact that Young Justice's lead character designer Phil Bourassa also designed the characters for the film. As a result, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, J'onn J'onzz, The Flash and Green Lantern in the movie were the same versions we had known from the beloved Cartoon Network series.

For years, fans wondered if the two might be connected somehow but there is some evidence against that theory, namely the fact that Cyborg was finally introduced in the show's long-awaited third season - a Cyborg different to the one seen in the 2012 film.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.