10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Never Knew About House Of Cards

5. President Walker And The Secretary Of State Are Married

As if there aren't enough sex scandals in House Of Cards between Zoe Barnes and Frank Underwood's little blackmail dalliance and Peter Russo€™s penchant for call girls, there's one going on right within the Oval Office. It'd have been much easier for Kevin Spacey's ruthless career politician to position himself in the White House if he'd known this juicy titbit. In fact David Fincher was also oblivious to the fact that Michael Gill and Jayne Atkinson, who play President Garrett Walker and Secretary Of State Catherine Durant on the show, are married. And have been for nearly twenty years. It somehow never came up in the audition process, either. €œWe both got it within four or five days of each other,€ said Gill of the couple's parts, €œAnd then towards the end , they realized we were married. When we got to set none of the cast knew we were married.€ So that's how you keep those thins under wraps? Frank should be taking pointers.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/