10 Moments Of Star Trek Foreshadowing You Never Noticed

1. The Year Of Hell

Lorca Eyes
CBS Media Ventures

The two-parter Voyager episode Year Of Hell is one of the darkest points in the series. A Delta Quadrant species known as the Krenim use a devastating time-weapon to erase people, ships, and even entire civilizations from history. The episode shows us nearly a full year of Voyager struggling on the edge of destruction as they slowly lose all their power and resources, and several of the crew die. Fortunately, at the end of the episode the Krenim time-weapon exploded and erased itself from history, undoing the events of the episode.

This episode is praised for showcasing Voyager's darker side, something many fans thought was missing from the rest of the show. But, many fans may have forgotten that Janeway was actually warned about the Krenim several episodes earlier.

As Kes was jumping across different points in time in the Voyager episode Before And After, she visited the ship during the Year Of Hell. It was actually a chroniton torpedo launched from the Krenim (mixed with some techno babble involving a "bio-temporal chamber") that caused her time-shifting. After Kes realigned with her original time, she warned Janeway about the Krenim and the Year Of Hell, preparing them for what was to come.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.