10 Moments Of Star Trek Foreshadowing You Never Noticed

4. Jadzia Dax's Death

Lorca Eyes
CBS Media Ventures

Jadzia Dax's death at the hands of Gul Dukat came as an utter shock to audiences. Jadzia was one of the most beloved characters on Deep Space Nine, and there was very little indication that she was going to be leaving the show.

However, the writers knew for a while that Terry Ferrell (who played Jadzia Dax) wanted to quit Deep Space Nine to attend auditions for new pilots. As preparations were made to write in the character's death, the writers snuck in a hint in the episode The Sound Of Her Voice.

At the end of the episode, the crew hosted a funeral for Lisa Cusak and, during O'Brien's eulogy, he said, "The war changed us, pulled us apart... I want my friends in my life, because someday we're going to wake up and we're going to find that someone is missing from this circle," and right as he said this, the camera cut to Jadzia and Worf... In the next episode, Tears Of The Prophets, Jadzia was killed.

So let's all thank O'Brien for preparing us for one of the most heartbreaking deaths in Trek.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.