10 More Best Movie Characters Who Only Appear In ONE Scene

6. Lucifer - Constantine

Constantine Peter Stormare
Warner Bros.

If you need someone to play a repellent sleazebag in your movie, there are few character actors better than Peter Stormare, who has basically mastered the art over the last three decades.

It's tough to single out just one great role, but Stormare's finest moment to shine perhaps came in 2005's comic book movie Constantine, where he fleetingly shows up as Lucifer in one solitary scene.

Near the end of the film, Lucifer arrives to collect John Constantine's (Keanu Reeves) soul, though Constantine manages to bait Lucifer into a confrontation with the Archangel Gabriel (an also excellent Tilda Swinton) instead.

Stormare plays Lucifer as grossly animalistic - a repugnant and terrifying figure who cannot abide the fact that Constantine has played a trick on him.

For as many mistakes as the movie makes, its portrayal of Lucifer is one of cinema's all-time most fascinating and unforgettable.

They took a risk by keeping him off-screen for almost the entire movie, but thanks to Stormare's masterful performance the gamble totally pays off.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.