10 More Frustrating Star Trek Moments

6. Seeing Inside The Q Continuum

Star Trek Into Darkness
CBS Media Ventures

Ever since the Enterprise first met Q in the first episode of The Next Generation, fans have been wondering about the true nature of his species. The 'Q Continuum', as he called it, was always spoken about vaguely as some sort of realm where the Q all reside, occasionally leaving to interfere with less advanced lifeforms.

Finally, in the Voyager episode Death Wish we got to see inside of the Continuum when the Q known as Quinn brought them there to show how miserable life for the Q has gotten. Unfortunately, their visit was incredibly anti-climactic.

According to Q, the Continuum existed in a dimension so far beyond Human comprehension that, in order for the crew to visit it, everything was physically translated into illusions that could be understood by lower lifeforms. What this basically meant was that, rather than a trippy visual spectacle unlike anything we've ever seen, the Continuum was presented as a boring desert road, and the Q were presented as ordinary Humans. Later, the crew visited the Continuum again (in the episode The Q And The Grey), and it was portrayed as a battlefield in the American Civil War.

It makes sense that the domain of the Q would be beyond the understanding of Humans, but the fact that we can’t possibly ever know what life is truly like in the Continuum is a huge bummer.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.