10 More TV Secrets That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

4. What Happens When You Pause To Read This - Black Mirror

The Office Angela Dwight

Who among us hasn't found themselves attempting to pause a scene just to get a closer look at some of the easily missed details that may have initially passed us by, eh?

Well, in an attempt to secretly poke fun at folks trying to get a closer look at one specific document during Black Mirror's season three episode "Playtest", show creator and writer Charlie Brooker opted to sneak a brief but brilliant message onto the screen.

As Cooper signs an NDA-disclaimer handed to him before testing out a new game for SaitoGemu, slamming the pause button on your remote brings with it the treat of one easily overlooked line a few paragraph's down.

This hilarious line reads, "If you have paused to read this, you will die unless you forward it onto five people within a 28 day period." So, if you have just stopped your "Playtest" experience to check if this particular secret hiding in plain sight is real... well, you better get moving, folks.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...