10 More TV Villains You Didn't Realise Actually Won

1. Diana - V (1984)

Brooklyn Nine-Nine John Kelly
Warner Bros.

Classic '80s sci-fi series V depicts the arrival of an alien species on Earth called the Visitors who, it turns out, are reptilian humanoids aiming to conquer the planet.

V's primary villain is the Visitors' second-in-command Diana (Jane Badler), and the last time we see her at the end of the 1984-1985 series, she's been captured after attempting to stage a coup among the Visitors and destroy Earth.

The show was cancelled after this episode was produced, meaning that the planned finale, "The Attack," was never fully filmed. 

This episode wouldn't have merely left Diana in custody, though. She was set to escape, and 2008 sequel novel V: The Second Generation subsequently revealed that Diana eventually ascended to the level of all-powerful Supreme Commander within the Visitors.

Though the series unfortunately left Diana in limbo, canonically speaking she only became more powerful afterwards, even if we never got to see it realised on-screen.

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