10 Most Devastating Game Of Thrones Future Deaths
All men must die. Damnit.
There are obviously those in Westeros for whom death is too nice a conclusion: the likes of Walder Frey, Ramsay Bolton, Melisandre and Cersei should all have a special place in George RR Martin's Hell (which, inevitably, probably means they'll be sticking around for entertainment value for a while yet). Even Stannis, with his catastrophically depleted army and false pride probably won't yet meet the sticky end he definitely now deserves. Nope, the real currency - as it has always mostly been - is in spectacularly killing off fan favourites, innocents or the most unexpected of characters. There's a bloody good reason the Red Wedding, the Purple Wedding and The Viper's fight with The Mountain are remembered so vividly, and it's not just that they're well written and well staged. Like it or not, Thrones fans are a blood-thirsty lot, and that inevitably has meant that death will always be a pillar of the show until the great game is won. After all, you either win or you die. And looking at the cast, there aren't a lot of immediately obvious winners. So, if you thought Shireen's untimely - and let's face it, horrific - death was bad, imagine what's going to happen when some of the core cast and fan favourites start dropping like flies. SPOILERS within, obviously. Or at least, there will be if the events of the TV show go the way they appear to be headed...