10 Most Devastating Game Of Thrones Future Deaths

6. Jaime Lannister

Regardless of how far the Kingslayer has come since he endeared himself to fans early by making Bran fly, he still deserves to die, and we'll probably see it happen before the end of the show. Obviously the ideal conclusion would be for him to renounce his Lannister heritage, high-five Tyrion and ride off into the sunset with Brienne. But again, love doesn't conquer all in Westeros: it just makes you a target for a lot more than just Cupid's arrows. And it's extremely unlikely that Jaime will go against his family name again after it so spectacularly back-fired with Tyrion, so as long as he's Lannister, he's dead meat. How He'll Die Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned: it would be somewhat fitting for Jaime to die at the hand of his lover and sister Cersei when she discovers - somehow - that he is in love with Brienne.

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