10 Most Devastating Game Of Thrones Future Deaths

3. Jon Snow... Sort Of

A legitimate main character? Surely not, cry the fans of the show who haven't read any of the book or the reams of conspiracy theory on the Net. But that's the way the Stark family crumbles. Snow is his own worst enemy, because he keeps making the right decisions in moral terms, but not in terms of the game of thrones. If he was interested in sitting on the Iron Throne, he would have taken an entirely different path, and he wouldn't be facing the painful conclusion that probably awaits him at the end of season 5. How He'll Die The painful inevitability of Snow's killer being little angry Olly is like an army of White Walkers marching relentlessly towards The Wall. The show has been careful to turn the Northern child into a walking narrative mechanic: his family were killed by the Wildlings, Jon Snow has now betrayed their memory by siding with the killers, and he also made the mistake of telling Olly that sometimes extreme measures that seem wrong can turn out to be right. Presumably like feeding a very sharp blade into Jon's soft internal organs. No, it probably won't last (even if he "dies" properly) but it's still going to be an almighty wrench to see the series end with him lying in a pool of blood. You can also now add "how to die" to the list of things Jon Snow doesn't know.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.