10 Most Evil Game Of Thrones Characters
9. Locke

Due to his prowess as a hunter, Locke was tasked with finding the Kingslayer, and upon capturing both Jamie and Brienne, he treated his prisoners with the utmost contempt.
Whilst journeying to Harrenhal, Locke and his fellow hunters attempted to rape Brienne and were only prevented from doing so due to Jamie’s quick thinking.
However, when Jamie proceeded to use his father’s wealth as a bargaining tool, Locke mutilated the Kingslayer by removing his right hand. Driven by his hatred for highborn families, he and his men then humiliated Jamie still further by forcing him to wear his severed hand around his neck, as well as tricking him into drinking horse urine.
Locke continued his sadistic ways by placing Brienne inside the bear pit at Harrenhal, before heading north with the intention of kidnapping Bran under the orders of Roose Bolton.
Fortunately, this repulsive individual was stopped in his tracks when Bran took control of Hodor and broke his neck.