10 Most Evil Game Of Thrones Characters

7. Walder Frey

Danaerys Targaryen Game Of Thrones

The Lord of the Crossing made a considerable sum of money over his many years due to his strategic position at the Twins, and such a position became of vital importance to House Stark in the early stages of the War of the Five Kings.

In exchange for several marriage pacts, Lord Walder allowed Robb and his army to cross the Twins. However, Robb then proceeded to break said pact when he instead married Talisa, which in turn became the catalyst for the most infamous scene in Game of Thrones – the Red Wedding.

Though Tywin Lannister was the mastermind behind the event, Walder Frey relished in the butchering of House Stark. Aside from being both savage and cowardly, the slaughtering of the Starks also broke the guest right of Westeros. Yet there was more behind Walder’s actions than pure revenge. He also opted to support the Lannisters simply because he believed them to be the winning side, a tactic he had previously used during Robert’s Rebellion.

His selfish ways were further unveiled as Robb mourned the death of his wife and unborn child. Far from finishing the job quickly, Walder instead chose to mock the King in the North. He even disregarded his own family members, showing no concern whatsoever when Catelyn threatened to slit his wife’s throat.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.