10 Most Evil Versions Of Spider-Man

8. Ben Reilly's Latest Descent Into Villainy - Beyond

Spider-Man Doppelganger
Marvel Comics

Ben Reilly is someone who long-time Marvel fans have often clamoured to see more of. One of the few positives to come out of any of the plentiful Clone Sagas, Ben is a Peter Parker doppelganger who's a massive fan favourite character for his time as the heroic Scarlet Spider.

Even more grin-inducing for those Reilly fans, he was fully back under the Spider-Man moniker in 2021 as he took over from Peter Parker. Given the Spider-Man name by the Beyond Corporation that owns Parker Industries and the Spidey license, Ben initially butts heads with Peter before his old pal gives him his blessing.

Throughout all of this, Beyond tinkered with Ben's mind and stripped back his memories until he became a hollow shell of his former self. As part of these changes, Reilly eventually dons his own green and purple take on the traditional Spider-Man costume and gives himself the villainous name of Chasm.

While Chasm is a new creation who hasn't done as many awful acts as some of the other versions of Spider-Man on this list, he deserves a spot here for the sheer potential he has to cause chaos. After all, one has to remember that Ben Reilly is a carbon copy of Peter Parker, complete with all of Peter's skills, smarts and pig-headed will to win - plus now has additional abilities due to polymer mutations!

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