10 Most Hated Sons Of Anarchy Characters

5. Tara Knowles-Teller

Sons Of Anarchy Tara

There€™'s a common phenomenon across the fanbases of shows like Sons Of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, The Walking Dead -€“ cool shows, involving lawless people doing cool stuff, where the love interests and/or wives of the protagonists are vilified by fans for doing what, one would hope, any love interest and/or wife would do in the same situation.

Tara, Jackson€™'s wife in Sons Of Anarchy, is a perfect illustration of this. Somehow people have gotten into their heads that in order for them to fully support Jax, they have to hate Tara when she said or did something that ran counter to him. Similar sentiments were expressed whenever Skyler expressed concern or outrage at Walter White for, you know, bringing violent psychopaths and potentially decades of jail time to their family. Lori in The Walking Dead got it in the neck from fans so much that many admitted to cheering when she died giving birth via an impromptu caesarian section without anaesthetic on a filthy prison floor. Feel free to reread that and then feel a little ill at the nature of the human race.

In the case of Tara, one of her sons had already been kidnapped and the other constantly put in harm's way by actions Jackson had taken, first as the vice president of the MC, then as the president. Despite his promises, first to get clear of illegal activity, then just to get clear of Charming, the violence kept ratcheting up, kept getting worse, kept getting closer to their family. Any normal mother of two would have considered leaving her husband by that point: but in Tara€™s case, she was well aware that you don€™t walk away from the MC.

Even if the boys had let her, Gemma certainly wouldn'€™t have. And Gemma didn€™'t, as anyone knows who watched last season€™s finale episode. Tara shouldn'€™t be one of Sons Of Anarchy€™'s most hated characters€ but she is. Which is an indication of sad times for us all, really.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.