10 Most Horrifying Technologies In Star Trek

6. Cloaking Devices

STAR TREK Transporter

Does anyone know why, in the history of Star Trek, no one in the Romulan Empire has decided to just ram a cloaked ship straight into their enemy before even giving them the chance to raise their shields?

Viewers got to see something like this with the Klingon Cleave Ship from the Discovery episode Battle at the Binary Stars that rammed into the USS Europa while cloaked, taking them entirely by surprise. This was not the best decision at the time as it crippled the Klingon’s only known clocking vessel but during the time of The Next Generation, when clocking technology is incredibly common, there would be no reason (other than honour) to not employ this highly deadly strategy, and certainly no reason against it for the Romulans.

Or even better, just cloak a bunch of torpedoes. No one could possibly see it coming.

Unfortunately, because of the worst deal in Star Trek history: The Treaty of Algeron, Starfleet is banned from developing its own cloaking technology so they at least have an excuse...

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.