10 Most Iconic Scenes In Friends

1. Ross And Rachel's First Kiss (The One Where Ross Finds Out)

Friends Ross Rachel First Kiss

As already discussed in this list, the romance between Ross & Rachel is one of the most iconic on TV. Their mishaps and speedbumps along the way made for some complicated feelings, but the iconic moment where they locked lips for the first time had not a whiff of their difficult future about it.

By this point, viewers were pretty used to seeing Ross and Rachel dance around their feelings for each other, and Ross' relationship with Julie seemed to be a massive blockade in their romance. But, this episode saw Rachel confess her feelings to Ross, just as he was about to buy a cat with Julie.

The outing ended with them confronting each other in the iconic Central Perk Café, arguing about their lack of communication and the position they were both in. Everything got quiet after Ross stormed off, but then, he came back, and they shared a passionate kiss.

It was a huge moment for the relationship and the show itself, taking the Ross and Rachel dynamic forward and giving viewers one of the series' most iconic images.

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