10 Most Iconic Weapons In Game Of Thrones
Which one would you choose to slaughter your enemy.
Science fiction fantasy is only as good as its characters, and its characters are often only as good as the weapons they carry. Luke's lightsaber, Gandalf's staff, Harry Potter's wand, they're all weapons that have gained 'icon' status and have almost become characters themselves. But what are the Thrones equivalents? In a particularly bloodthirsty show such as this, a fine piece of steel is all that separates you from glory to utter ruin. But with such an enormous body count, the showrunners were tasked with creating a whole multitude of weapons to keep the whole 'killing' idea fresh. Some are symbolic for what they mean to the story, others because they've caused such enormous amounts of death, while other memorable weapons have become that way for the simple fact that they're just too damn cool.