10 Most Ingenious Kills In Horror TV Shows

5. A Loudspeaker Exorcism - Supernatural

Black Mirror Shut Up And Dance Alex Lawther
The CW

The season three episode ‘Jus In Bello’ features a very smart demon-extermination effort that, frankly, should’ve been employed far more often throughout the show. But, like so many things in Supernatural, this was conveniently forgotten and seldom revisited as a concept.

The central brothers, Sam and Dean, find themselves trapped in a sheriff’s office surrounded by demons. After they turn down friendly(ish) demon Ruby’s suggestion of a vaporising spell, the pair end up fighting their way out the good old fashioned way, trapping the demons inside the jail.

The building is rigged with speakers and an intercom system, and Sam sets up a pre-recorded exorcism to play out over the speakers and rid the entire office of demon-folk! It does have to be said that this entry is cheating a bit because the demons are sent back to hell, rather than being killed for good. But given that they failed to rid the world of the Winchesters, it’s not too far-fetched to assume that they wouldn’t be long for this world when they got back home to hell.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.