10 Most Insane Friends Fan Theories

2. Joey & Phoebe Were Secret Lovers The Entire Time

Friends Joey Phoebe Kiss

This theory is so brilliant it actually almost became a reality, and was championed by none other than Joey himself, Matt LeBlanc.

In a 2015 interview, LeBlanc confirmed that the idea was floated that Joey and Phoebe had actually been involved in a secret sexual relationship, with the idea that a flashback-filled episode would reveal all the close calls where they were nearly caught in prior episodes.

LeBlanc said of the idea, "We’d go back and shoot all the historical scenes and just before a moment that everyone recognises, there’s Joey and Phoebe coming out of a broom closet together. But they were like, 'Nah.'"

It's an hilarious idea and could've recontextualised the entire show in an extremely entertaining way, though also would've been a huge dramatic risk.

Had it been paid off before Mike (Paul Rudd) came into the picture though, this could've been game-changing in the best possible way.

Technically speaking, there's no reason for fans to believe Joey and Phoebe weren't sleeping together in their own head-canon, though, right?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.