10 Most Insane Friends Fan Theories

8. Ben Geller Has Psychic Abilities

Friends Monica Rachel Ben

Ross' son Ben mysteriously disappeared from the show altogether mid-way through season eight, though there's an hilarious theory suggesting that he actually had some unique supernatural abilities hiding in plain sight.

In the season three episode "The One With The Giant Poking Device," Monica memorably bumps Ben's head while playing with him, after which Ben appears to keep repeating the incriminating phrase, "Monica bang!"

Except, the theory implies that Ben is actually saying "Monica Bing," predicting that she would eventually go on to marry Chandler.

Honestly, if you listen to how Ben enunciates the supposed word "bang," it doesn't sound that implausible, even if there's no way the writers had things planned out this far in advance.

But there is an amusing piece of supporting evidence: the season two episode "The One Where Old Yeller Dies" reveals that one of Ben's first words was "Yemen," which may well be foreshadowing the season four episode "The One With All The Rugby," where Chandler famously pretends to move to Yemen to escape Janice (Maggie Wheeler).

The logic is flawless, clearly.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.