10 Most Loved Dragon Ball Characters

9. Android 16

dragon ball characters
Arc System Works

Dr. Gero's 16th Android, there is a special reason why this android makes the list over the likes of Androids 17, 18 and even Android 8 (Remember him?).

This android was designed after Gero's late son, and possibly it is for that reason that he was not given the cold-hearted program the other androids were given. He was quite a passive android, only fighting to protect the ones he loved, excluding Goku who he always seemed to have an uneasy relationship with.

The android is even seen trying to self-destruct to kill Cell and save Gohan and the other Z Fighters, although this ultimately failed. In his final moments he is also seen providing Gohan with the motivation to defeat Cell and for that he definitely seals his place on this list.

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