10 Most Loved Dragon Ball Characters

7. Master Roshi

dragon ball characters
Toei Animation

The 'Turtle Hermit' has been around ever since the first few episodes of the original Dragon Ball and frankly, the perverted master is not going anywhere.

Master Roshi has always been a respected Martial Artist and an even more respected master to the likes of Goku, Krillin, Yamcha and Tien. Even though in later sagas he is seen as being heavily out-matched by various opponents, through his wisdom and experience he is able to overcome the odds and even receive praise from the God of Destruction, Beerus.

The character is loved for not only his quirky nature, but also for the lengths he is willing to go for his pupils and friends (ESPECIALLY the female ones), such as turning into 'Jackie Chun' to fight his pupils in the World Martial Arts Tournament to teach Goku and Krillin that they should never stop training.

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