10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Discovery

3. Helical House Of Horrors — Straal And Crew Of The USS Glenn

Star Trek Discovery Messed Up Deaths
CBS Media Ventures

The third episode of Star Trek: Discovery went all out with its most bodily-horror-ly twist on death. 

Not one to get all Natasha Yar via Nancy Reagan on you, but the dangers of mushrooms are decidedly real here… kids! Sister ship to the Discovery, the Glenn also had a spore drive, but, and aside from torturing the poor 'tardigrade' they'd imprisoned, one of their trial jumps ended in stomach-(and-everything-else)-churning disaster.

"Helical trauma," was an accurate, but nonetheless under-, statement. Definitely don't be eating (mushrooms or otherwise) whilst you're watching Context Is for Kings! It was from Stamets in the next episode that we learnt the precise cause of Straal (astromycologist of the Glenn) and co.'s horrific injuries.

Exiting the "mycelial plane," the Glenn had hit an "undetectable Hawking radiation firewall" causing "all the biologicals on board" to 'spin out'. Basically, they were all contorted to death. That much was more than evident by the loooong look on Straal's face and the bones sticking out of his back!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.