10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: The Next Generation

8. Nightmare, Unhelmed Street — Crew Of The Brattain

Star Trek Next Generation TNG In Theory Van Mayter
CBS Media Ventures

What went down on the Brattain — and not the Brittain, as that was a misspelling on the filming model of the ship — was a waking nightmare. Not heard from after sending out a distress call 29 days prior, by the time the Enterprise-D showed up, all of the crew of the Brattain were dead, having murdered each other in several manners, one more brutal than the last. Full points for creativity though!

The 'rescue' in 'rescue party' is moot in this instance, as the team from the D beamed over. The Captain of the Brattain had been stabbed through the chest by a rather hefty looking dagger, one crewmember had had half of their flesh melted away by a phaser on "a setting of six or seven," and two other bridge officers were cause unknown, save for a horrible head wound and a dab of dried blood. And those are just the ones we saw without the body bags! Aboard the Brattain, the Night Terrors were made manifest — 34 dead by their own (often bare) hands.

It turned out that the Brattain had become trapped adrift in a Tyken's Rift — an energy-absorbing rupture in space — and now the Enterprise-D was stuck there too. Whilst rare and tough to escape from, Tyken's Rifts don't usually cause people to kill. There were telepathic aliens in this one too, however, and their mental distress call was preventing REM sleep in everyone but the Betazoids. If you've ever felt a little homicidal without that coffee in the morning, that's but a fraction of how messed-up it was for the crew of the Brattain!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.