10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Voyager

5. Just A Bunch Of Oily Secretions — Victims Of Dejaren

durst Star Trek voyager faces
CBS Media Ventures

I mean, technically speaking, the HD-25 Isomorphic Projection, aka Dejaren, wasn't wrong. Us 'organics' really are condemned to live our lives "inside a biological cage of flesh and bone and blood," shedding and secreting all manner of cells and substances. There's a difference, however, between being "ashamed to be made in [our] image," and going about murdering said image. As the counsellor said to the hologram, 'You're projecting!' 

It was a bold move to begin an episode on the sight of a dead body slumped up against a wall, a body which was then dragged feet first down a corridor of an unknown ship by an extremely pale individual as though he were just taking out the recycling. Ever the bunch of inconsiderates, the dead did leave a trail of mess behind too, but if you are going to commit (to) murder, you can't really complain about the clean-up. However you look at it, Revulsion was truly revolting.

Of course, the most messed-up part of the episode was when Tuvok pulled out a phaser set on kill and fired it at Paris and Kim as payback for their little "Live long and prosper" practical joke. Only kidding! What the Vulcan does on the holodeck (we imagine) is his own business. The really terrible moment came when B'Elanna discovered not one but two victims of Dejaren whilst trying to access his matrix. Torres nearly became victim number three when the HD-25 with the murderous malfunction plunged his arm into her chest. About time they upgraded to 4K, I think!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.