10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Voyager

3. One Nacelle To Go — Lieutenant Joe Carey

durst Star Trek voyager faces
CBS Media Ventures

I'm sure there's a metaphor somewhere in that ship in a bottle. The nacelle is Joe Carey, Voyager now incomplete without him. Captain Picard would certainly have been proud either way. For the lieutenant, who was probably the same guy as that ensign at tactical on the Enterprise-D, death had been far from figurative. 'Playing with toys' had ended with a hole through the heart.

Carey hadn’t had the best of luck in the Delta Quadrant. First of all, he was in the Delta Quadrant. Second of all, he'd only been there all of five minutes and he was punched in the face and pipped to the post of the post of Chief Engineer by the very person who'd broken his nose in three places! Understandably a little annoyed in the moment, Carey was so nice, he congratulated B'Elanna on her posting at the end of Parallax.

In Friendship One, as he stood between the transport enhancers, Carey could see his ultimate fate staring back at him at the end of a barrel. By the time the transporter beam had cycled, it was already too late. Lying on the sickbay floor, Carey had become the latest, and last, casualty of a story that had begun centuries before his birth.

In launching the probe of the episode title, the Earth of 2067 couldn't have known that an entire civilisation would be destroyed as a result, but then, they could all have been a little more careful. If there is a metaphor to be extended, it's that 'real life' (and death) isn't contained quite as neatly as to a bottle.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.