10 Most Mysterious Ancient Alien Civilisations In Star Trek

8. The Iconians

Star Trek Progenitors And Kirk
Cryptic Studios and CBS Media Ventures

Roughly 200,000 years ago, the Iconians ruled the galaxy thanks in large part to their powerful gateway technology that allowed them to instantly appear anywhere without warning. Their society was wiped out when their home world, Iconia, suffered a devastating orbital bombardment from other species who likely feared the Iconians’ power. While they are now believed to be extinct, it's possible that a few Iconians were able to escape the attack using their gateways.

The story of Star Trek Online explores the Iconians heavily. In the game it's revealed that several Iconians escaped the attack on their home world by retreating to a Dyson Sphere in the Andromeda Galaxy. While in hiding, they slowly rebuilt their power and used servitor species to wreak chaos across the Milky Way. The solanogen-based lifeforms from Schisms and the mysterious alien attackers from Silent Enemy both turned out to be servants of the Iconians.

We've seen two abandoned Iconian colonies on screen so far in the episodes Contagion and To The Death. Both contained gateways which were soon destroyed, but it's very likely that many more gateways exist hidden throughout the galaxy like in STO. However, it remains to be seen whether any Iconians survived. Maybe one day they will return to seek their revenge.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.