10 Most Mysterious Ancient Alien Civilisations In Star Trek

6. The Voth

Star Trek Progenitors And Kirk
CBS Media Ventures

Millions of years before modern primates evolved, Earth was actually home to another intelligent species. The Voth are descended from hadrosaurs who somehow escaped Earth during the extinction event that killed the other dinosaurs - a very similar concept to the Silurians from Doctor Who. All evidence of their society was lost to time, and they weren't discovered until the 24th century, when the Voyager crew encountered them in the Delta Quadrant, their new home.

The recorded history of the Voth only goes back as far as 20 millions years, long after they left Earth. By the 24th century, the Voth believed themselves to be natives of the Delta Quadrant. Some Voth scientists began theorising about possible other origins, but they were harshly suppressed and forced to retract their evidence.

The Voth have existed far longer than most species in the galaxy and their technology is very impressive, although the pace of their technological development has slowed down due to their strict adherence to their Doctrine. Still, they could easily outmatch most Federation ships in combat. Their city ship could transport entire starships and trap them inside its hull. Their biology was also highly advanced, with natural projectiles and heightened senses and brain capacity compared to Humans.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.