10 Most Outrageous Stories Ever Revealed On The Graham Norton Show

1. Greg Davies' Rough Morning

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone during the filming of the Graham Norton Show at the London Studios, south London, to be aired on BBC One on Friday evening.

Perhaps the best storyteller that Graham has had on his sofa, every guest has sung the praises of Greg Davies appearance on the show. However, no story is more infamous than the one that killed off Ryan Gosling.

Appearing on the show in 2016, Greg Davies told one of the stories that inspired his Channel 4 TV Show Man Down. After getting really drunk one night and staying at his mother’s house, Davies then had to go into his previous job as a teacher, and that day he was teaching in the hearing-impaired department.

After feeling relatively uncomfortable throughout the day, Davies went to the toilet and discovered he had somehow ended up wearing his mother’s underwear. This alone was enough to make Ryan Gosling nearly cry laughing, however the story went on.

Davies reveals he did a “faecal Jackson Pollock” in the toilet and was swearing to himself. Eventually he made his way back to the classroom only to find one of the hearing-impaired students looking at him in shock. Davies then hilariously delivers the fact that he had a microphone directly linked to the students hearing aid. This punchline kills off the whole couch and Graham, all of who were completely cracking up throughout.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.