10 Most Outrageous Stories Ever Revealed On The Graham Norton Show

4. Kate Beckinsale's Chocolate Prank

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone during the filming of the Graham Norton Show at the London Studios, south London, to be aired on BBC One on Friday evening.

Appearing on the Graham Norton Show in 2016, Kate Beckinsale’s chocolate prank will go down as one of the most horrible yet hilarious stories the show has seen yet. On the couch, Beckinsale discussed how she pranked her partner one day by using chocolate.

Beckinsale talked about how she tucked a piece of chocolate in between her partners buttocks while they were asleep. She divulged that the chocolate would soften up allowing for the illusion that the other person had done something terrible during their sleep.

However, she also said how the next morning her partner had to leave very quick, so they must have discovered when they were on their way to work, making the prank even more wicked. The hilarious banter is also worth a watch as well as fellow guest Dominic Cooper seems quite traumatised by the anecdote, something that Beckinsale took great joy in.


Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.