10 Most Overrated Star Trek Villains

2. Klingons

Star Trek Borg
CBS Paramount

Established as one of the key antagonists in The Original Series, the Klingons appeared in a handful of episodes and proved to be a sharp, thick thorn in the side of Captain James T Kirk.

The structure of the Klingon Empire makes very little sense. The destruction of Praxis in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country has a sizeable effect on their energy production and it's noted that a large portion of that goes into their military. The overall focus on aggression might seem cool from the outside but from a financial perspective they're utterly screwed. That and their armour is tragically ineffective in every episode they ever appeared in.

In TOS there was a good deal of bravado and posturing from Kor, Koloth and Kang but each walked away from their dealings with Kirk no better off and in one case, loaded with Tribbles. A few redesigns later and it looked a though the warrior race were going to be a huge force to be reckoned with, even taking control of swathes of the Alpha Quadrant in Discovery. Yet their fall required barely any real effort from external forces and left them with a new chancellor and a serious strategic rethink.

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A Star Trek fan from birth, I love to dive into every aspect of the franchise in front and behind the screen. There's something here that's kept me interested for the best part of four decades! Now I'm getting back into writing and using Star Trek as my first line of literary attack. If I'm not here on WhatCulture then you're more than welcome to come and take a look at my blog, Some Kind of Star Trek at http://SKoST.co.uk or maybe follow me on Twitter as @TheWarpCore. Sometimes I force myself not to talk about Star Trek.