10 Most Paused Rick And Morty Moments

8. Evil Morty Evidence

Rick And Morty Phoenix Person
Adult Swim

Back to the Citadel of Ricks for another paused moment here.

A lot of the show's most memorable moments and ongoing plotlines tend to stem from the use of alternate realities. Rick is definitely his own worst enemy when it comes to the seemingly unlimited versions of Morty and himself.

While fans normally find themselves pausing these episodes to have a gander at the alternate designs, Tales From the Citadel has one moment viewers were pausing at for different reasons.

Following the storylines of several Ricks and Mortys, the episode culminates in the reveal that "Evil" Morty was the one running for office the whole time. When he ejects a bunch of bodies into space, along with the only Morty that caught wise to him, a few scattered pieces of paper can be seen.

Pausing at just the right moment reveals that these were all files confirming that Evil Morty is indeed the same Eye-Patch Morty from a previous episode.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.