10 Most Paused TV Moments

1. Bobby Ewing Returns From The Dead - Dallas

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But long before every other moment on this list, we have perhaps the single-most controversial and shocking scene in the history of mainstream television, and one which had anyone lucky enough to have taped the episode obsessively revisiting it as soon as it ended.

Dallas' eighth season ended with the shocking demise of Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy) in a car accident, much to fans' dismay.

To combat tumbling ratings, Duffy was eventually convinced to return, resulting in the cliffhanger ending of season nine where Bobby's ex-wife Pam (Victoria Principal) wakes up to find Bobby alive and well in the shower. "Good morning," he tells her.

The tenth season would go on to divisively explain that the entirety of season nine had been Pam's dream, but no matter what you make of the outcome, the mind-melting image of Bobby in the shower immediately embedded itself deep in the cultural consciousness.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.