10 Most Pointless Deaths In Star Trek
2. Icheb - PIC: The Stardust City Rag

The initial announcement for Patrick Stewart’s return to his most iconic character got a huge amount of people excited in 2018, not least due to the subsequent trailers’ inclusion of familiar faces William Riker, Deanna Troi, and Seven of Nine.
In amongst all these returning stars, it would be another, lesser-known character whose appearance would be altogether more shocking, and also all too brief. First appearing in Voyager alongside Seven of Nine and other rescued former Borg drones, Icheb joined Voyager’s crew for the last two years of their journey, forming a close familial relationship with his liberated brethren, and Seven in particular.
Following the crew’s return to The Alpha Quadrant, Icheb took his considerable intellectual gifts and joined Starfleet. It was this decision that would spell his end, however, as a distress signal lures Icheb straight into an ambush, where he is mutilated, without anesthesia, for the Borg technology beneath his skin.
Although rescued by Seven during the procedure, his pain proves to be too great, and she reluctantly euthanises the closest thing she has to family, to spare him from the suffering. Whilst this tragedy spurs on Seven’s character arc in Picard Season One, the decision to bring in a character we had known as a child just to brutalise him was one which was met with dismay by many.
That Seven would choose to kill someone so close to her, in a sci-fi world where people have been saved from death itself on numerous oc-casions, was seen as nonsensical, and more to develop drama than actually adhere to the rules of the narrative. Despite all of the joy at Picard’s return, it’s fair to say that the show may have gone one guest star too far.